When you go online and search for the phrase “scam definition,” these are some of the results you’ll get;

  • victimize: deprive of by deceit
  • a ploy to win; a fraud
  • defraud (someone) by means of a deception
  • obtain money through deception, including fake personalities, fake photos, fake letter templates, non-existent addresses and phone numbers
  • a fraudulent or deceptive act or transaction

Now we can say that a scam company is one that usually represents itself to people in a way that misleads (not its true image) and ends up making money through the process.

Now the question is, is QNet a legit company or just another scam? Should you get involved with QNet? Will you get what QNet promised or will you be disappointed? Can your dreams really come true by participating in QNet?

Before answering the questions above, you need to understand that QNet is just one of thousands of other network marketing companies out there. You also need to understand that out of all those companies, some are legitimate companies and some are not. Some are network marketing companies and some are just pyramid schemes. Some are there for the short term (to rip you off and/or for mismanagement), and others will be around for many decades and centuries to come. So before you decide to get involved in any company, you need to understand where the company is located.

7 Things to Look for in a Network Marketing Company Before Getting Involved

  1. Company Age: It is known that 90% of all start-ups fail within the first 5 years in business. 90% of the remaining 10% also fail in the next 5 years in business. This also applies to all network marketing companies. So before joining any network marketing company, it is good if the company has at least been around for more than 5 years. 10 years is even much better.
  2. Company Credibility The credibility of the company is very important. You should ask yourself these questions. Does the company have a history of taking advantage of its customers or business partners? Does the company have a history of illegal activities? Are you legally registered? Who has the company worked with? How has the company contributed to society?
  3. Company Size and Growth Knowing the size of the company is very important. Where do the offices work? How many offices do you have? In how many countries? How many independent representatives/distributors are there in the company? That’s all important. It shows how stable the company is. But an even more important question to ask is, how fast is the company growing? Growths are more important than size. There are companies that have been in business since 1970 and have 7,000,000 independent distributors and there are companies that started in the late 1990s and have 6,000,000 independent distributors. Now, which company should you get involved with? It’s smart to get involved with the 2nd Company.
  4. products The type of products the company sells is also important. You need to understand that network marketing is all about having a large group of distributors promoting and marketing a product to the marketplace and sharing the profits from the sale of those products. This is how the company survives and the distributors make their living. We all have to admit that not all products are created equal. when we look most successful network marketing companies, the products they promote are in any of the following niches:
    1. Health and wellness products (80% of all network marketing companies)

    2. telecommunication services
    3. Vacation
    4. Numismatics and jewelry in Gold and Silver (It is a growing trend)
    5. Education (self-improvement, financial education, marketing, etc., a growing trend)

    Therefore, it is very important to see what products the company has before embarking on the opportunity. It also has to be a product that you like and are passionate about. The more emotional you are with your product, the more you will sell.

  5. Compensation plan You are in network marketing to make money. serious money! Period! If the company you get into isn’t paying you good money to build the business, I seriously think you should look elsewhere. You have bills to pay and send your children to the best schools. How many dollars can you earn when one person gets involved in your Network Marketing Opportunity? $5, $10, $30, $100, $1000? I know of companies that pay up to $1700 when you recruit just one person into the business. Of course you have to buy a product that is worth much more than $1700, but hey! people have money to buy expensive things. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t think it’s worth getting involved in a company where I have to recruit a lot of people to get a small amount of dollars, while I can make ten times as much with just one person. This is a secret I found in marketing, if the consumer sees a lot of value in the product, even if it is a $1000 product, they would gladly love to buy the product and sometimes even beg (a car is a good example). .
  6. Training: It is a known fact that the best business training is found in Network Marketing Companies and not in a Business School. I suggest you buy Robert Kiyosaki’s book,” School of Business” to understand more. It is only in Network Marketing where you can find a dishwasher without even a college degree becoming a Millionaire in less than 5 years. It is very important that the company you get involved with has that training to raise you from where you are to where you want to go.
  7. YOU: This is the MOST important factor for success in Network Marketing. If YOU want to be GREAT in Network Marketing, look at the person in the mirror. Do you really want to do it? Do you have what it takes? Are you willing to put your heart and soul into your business? The answer to all your success is within you. Stop looking elsewhere. Only 10% of people in Network Marketing make good money and live the life of their dreams. The rest just take up space and complain about everything except themselves. “You can’t fly with the eagles when you’re down scratching your back with the turkeys.” You have to choose between being an eagle or a turkey. You can’t be both!

Now the question still stands. Is QNet legit or just another scam? I will answer this question by going over my 7 points.

  1. Company age: QNet has been around since 1998 (based in Hong Kong) so that makes the company stable and qualifies for the top 10% of companies that have survived more than 10 years.
  2. Credibility: Is QNet credible? We’ll see –
    1. 2000 and 2002 – Worked closely with the Vatican to make a John Paul II commemorative coin – Worked with the Indonesian government and received endorsement of the Bung Hatta commemorative coin from HE Megawati Sukanoputri – Former President of Indonesia
    2. 2001 – The FAO/UN designated QNet as the exclusive distributor of its gold coin program to raise awareness of world hunger among the public.
    3. 2003 – Main sponsor of the International Badminton Federation (IBF) World Cup held in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
    4. 2006 – Worked with FIFA becoming the official distributors of the 2006 FIFA World Cup Coin Program and the FIFA Centennial Coin Program – Sponsorship of the Brazilian soccer team in the 2006 World Cup – Sponsor of the World Cup of the International Badminton Federation (FIB) held in Madrid, Spain.

    And many more. The Company has been involved in many things, sponsoring sports, government meetings, giving donations to many countries in Asia and Africa. It is beyond the scope of this article to mention them all. This clearly shows that the company qualifies for my second important thing to watch for in a network marketing company.

  3. Company Size and Growth: QNet now has 6 million independent representatives and has expanded to more than 180 countries worldwide. The company is barely 12 years old. 6 million in 12 years, that’s a big number. That clearly shows that the growth of the company is extremely good.
  4. Product: QNet promotes wellness, telecommunications, jewelry, numismatics (gold and silver coins), and vacation products. As you can see, these products are the latest trends. They have captured a huge audience which makes their products sell like CRAZY!
  5. Compensation plan: Very few companies pay out a LOT of money when it comes to your compensation. When I say BIG money I mean up to $1000 for each person you recruit. Well QNet pays from $30 to $1700 every time you recruit a person depending on the product they have purchased. I don’t know about you, but if you ask me, $1700 for every person I recruit is good money. How many companies pay for that good? Very few. Another BIG advantage of QNet is that when you buy a product once, you have a business for life. The only money you pay is $10 for your back office annually.
  6. Training: QNet has a sister company called The V. The purpose of V is to nurture, support and empower the entire QNet network of over 6 million. They have offices in different parts of the world that offer training and training materials. They produce very powerful video trainings and host various conventions in different parts of the world. In June this year, they hosted a convention that was attended by over 8,000 people from 70 different countries, making it one of the largest business gatherings ever held in Malaysia. That’s a good sign. I can assure you that with such training, life would never be the same again.
  7. YOU!: Now the question is: can you succeed on QNet? Do you have what it takes? Are you willing to pay the price of success? It is said that even winning a lottery requires you to leave the house to buy the lottery ticket. You can be at the perfect company that has the perfect compensation plan, but if you don’t take that ACTION, nothing will happen. I hope now you have the answer if QNet is legit or a scam. Only you can decide what answer to give yourself. I did my part. Your part is for your brain to process this and decide. legal gold Scam?

I hope this article has been informative. Feel free to comment below. Tell me what you think. QNet: legit gold Scam? If you liked this information please share it with all your friends.

I wish you good luck on your journey,

Your Online Business and Marketing Coach,

Dr. Said Said – See you at the Bank!

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