Low back pain is a painful condition that almost everyone, regardless of health level, will experience at least once in their life. You may have already had one when you felt an instant pain shoot up from your lower back when you made an awkward turn to lift your baby from her crib, or the pain may have gradually developed as you spent countless hours hunched over in the car seat. his office. Whatever the cause, most conditions clear up after being treated at home with simple non-invasive remedies such as exercise, medication, and rest.

Pilates exercises for pain relief

If you’ve experienced the numbness and stiffness that low back pain brings, you may think that exercise is the last thing you’ll need to treat it. But according to experts, exercises that gently stretch muscles like Pilates are the most effective treatment method.

Pilates targets the abdominal and lumbar muscles that support the spine, making it ideal not only for relieving pain, but also preventing it from reappearing. You can also use the Pilates reformer, an apparatus that is constructed like a table, with a movable seat and multiple straps, to give you a better and more precise stretch while ensuring proper posture and alignment.

Roll on an exercise ball

Anything round will roll for sure. The exercise ball uses the body’s natural reaction to an unstable object to strengthen core muscles. A simple exercise routine called Rock Back-and-Forth, which requires a slow forward and backward tilt of the pelvis, contracts the stomach muscles, and flattens the lower back. Other ball exercise routines are Side-to-Side Rock and Circles.

Foam roller for stretching

The foam roller exercise is also called auto-myofascial release. A foam roller is a sturdy piece of rubber that looks like a log, with a diameter of six inches. Just lay it on a matted floor and then roll it with your lower back, pushing the sore spot in contact with the foam roller for 1 minute before releasing. Repeat the exercises for about 15 minutes and you will feel immediate relief from low back pain.

Medicine also known as pain reliever

Taking over-the-counter (OTC) medications simply masks the pain but does not treat the condition. But it gives you a few hours of rest from the pain. Medication for low back pain should be a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID. Some available NSAIDs are aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Taken with back exercises, these medications will help you recover more quickly from your condition.

To rest

Because your condition can be caused by overexertion and even stress, rest is one of the best non-invasive treatments. But when we say rest, we mean to step back a little and reduce your normal activities a little. It does not mean shutting yourself up in bed or standing sideways on the couch; these things will aggravate the pain. Instead, alternate between sitting in a comfortable chair with a firm back and walking around the house slowly and deliberately. You can also do the chores you love, like baking or cleaning the closet. Just be sure not to make any sudden movements or lift anything heavy.

With a combination of non-invasive treatments such as exercise, medication, and rest, you will definitely recover from your pain. To prevent a relapse, consider taking Pilates as a way to strengthen your core muscles so they are strong enough to support your spine.

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