Discrimination occurs when an individual is treated unfairly because of legally protected characteristics. The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination offers much of the same protections guaranteed by federal anti-discrimination laws; however, it is longer, more liberally construed, and offers much more in the way of rights and remedies for New Jersey employees. It guarantees the protection of civil liberties in places of public accommodation, employment, housing, credit and commercial contracts. In New Jersey, a person cannot be denied access to public institutions because he possesses (or is believed to possess) a certain trait that a property owner considers undesirable. No place of public accommodation is permitted to restrict access on the basis of legally protected characteristics or disabilities. A New Jersey employer may not refuse to accept an application for any reason other than the specific nature of the job that conflicts with the employer’s realistic ability to provide accommodations. They cannot deny training, promotions or other job benefits to employees. Labor rights are civil rights and an employee has an obligation to formally address their violation. According to the NJLAD, ignoring a complaint is considered a separate offense. The workplace must provide:

* Reasonable Accommodations
* Easily accessible facilities
* Fair and impartial treatment
* Non-hostile work environments
* Protection against retaliation

Schools funded by religious institutions are exempt from the NJLAD, as are private clubs. However, New Jersey is one of the few states where it is illegal for an exclusive establishment to discriminate against a member by limiting their membership benefits and privileges based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status. , domestic partnership status, sex or affective or sexual orientation. Certain public institutions may not allow entry to some people, depending on their disability, if it has been officially established in a court of law that doing so will result in serious harm to the disabled person or others.

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