Many fighters use kettlebells in their workouts, many stick to basic swings and wipe and jerk completing reps for strength rather than resistance.

As a fighter endurance is important as are all your technical and tactical sessions, sometimes some fighters sacrifice technical sessions for the tactical thought that two hours of sparring is better than metabolic endurance, WRONG.

Wrestlers must be aware of and able to control the effects of (HLA), hydrogen lactic acid, a common misconception is that lactic acid causes cramps and stiffness, we now know that lactic acid is an energy system and is rapidly dispersed throughout the body in Being produced. The body also has a built-in bicarbonate system that absorbs some of the hydrogen and other by-products.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, is a different matter and is the cause of

o Burning sensation in muscles
o labored breathing
o Muscle contraction
o Muscle inhibition

To combat these effects and have effective resistance in the cage, we need to train the body to cope with the demands of sport.

To do this, we need to “Address all components of contact movements in our strength training so that the full spectrum of flexibility, speed and loads that the muscles will see during training or competition”

The SAID (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands) principle goes hand in hand with the above statement and allows us to use everything from body weight to kettlebells.

Try the following circuit with kettlebells, complete as many repetitions of each exercise in thirty seconds with fifteen seconds of rest between repetitions, each series of exercises is grouped into series of eight, this will allow you to train for five minutes with one minute of rest after each play.

Series 1

1. Turkish rising alternate sides
2. Side press
3. Arrowhead swings
4. Clean and press
5. Alternative arm swing
6. Gun
7. Press Press
8. Double squats

Set 2

1. Squat holding a KB by the horns in the “shuttlecock” position
2. Row
3. Swing
4.1 Deadlift leg
5. Heavy abs
6. Squat holding a KB by the horns on the “steering wheel”
7. Diagonal start
8. Saxon lateral curves

Set 3

1. Around the worlds
2. Double swing
3. Clean
4. Renegade push-ups
5. Snatch squat
6. Windmill
7. Bottom-up military press
8. Hindu squat

Set 4

1. High pull
2. Burpees (KB in each hand)
3. View saws
4. Reaching lunges
5. Heavy abs
6. Shooting stars
7. Get up Turkish
8. Sumo squats

Make sure your kettlebell is of adequate weight so that the correct form can be maintained for as long as possible.

Perform these sets twice a week incorporating them as part of your endurance strength.

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