For many experts in the mind-body movement, Deepak Chopra is considered one of its most respected leaders, and for good reason, too. An endocrinologist by profession, Dr. Chopra has published numerous books and discussed the subject with various audiences in such a way that millions of people have now benefited and continue to benefit from it. One of these books is the aptly titled Magical Mind, Magical Body.

Listening to this audiobook, which also comes in a PDF worksheet format, won’t teach you how to do magical things with your mind and body in the style of David Copperfield and the like. Instead, you will be taught how the mind greatly influences the body, so that the health of one is the health of the other. When you have eliminated the negative thoughts in your mind on the one hand and listened to the signals of the body on the other hand, you can greatly improve your health.

The ideas expounded in the Magical Mind, Magical Body audiobook are not new, as great ancient thinkers have established similar concepts about the connection between mind and body. The main difference is that it is only in recent times that the mind-body connection has gained a stronger footing in modern consciousness due to emerging scientific evidence in its favor. And with the likes of Dr. Deepak Chopra, rooted as he is in modern medicine, championing the concept, we can expect to see this ancient concept become an integral part of modern day life.

We’ve been talking so much about the mind-body connection that it deserves an explanation so that Magical Mind, Magical Body readers don’t get caught up when they first hear these ideas. As Dr. Chopra explains, our bodies are the three-dimensional projection of our minds, especially considering that our brains, the seat of our minds, are an integral part of our bodies.

Therefore, whatever your moods, emotions, and thoughts are, it greatly influences every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Or to put it more accurately, our bodies are the active participants in our minds. So each and every one of us is a vessel of flowing intelligence waiting to be harnessed for good purposes.

The connection between mind and body is almost magical to be very powerful. You’ll find passages in the Magical Mind, Magical Body audiobook that discuss how the mind can influence the body and spirit in any direction: happy or sad, angry or peaceful, dynamic or slow. Once you have harnessed the power of the mind, you will have opened the world to unlimited happiness, health, and success. (We can definitely believe that point if Deepak Chopra’s life as we know it is the basis)

You will be taught how to harness the mind using Chopra’s unique blend of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom on one hand and modern medical principles on the other. Chopra, after all, is also steeped in modern medicine. Therefore, we suggest you purchase the Magical Mind, Magical Body audiobook which, at only $65 for 6 CDs, will be the most important investment you can make towards a fuller life.

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