One possible theme for The Yellow Wallpaper story is that married couples should always communicate with each other. If there is something that struck me the most, it was the fact that the two characters showed no sign of communicating to solve their problems. The setting of the story was during the 1800s and during that time, doctors were unaware of postpartum depression, which was what the woman in the story had.

As the story progressed, it seemed like the two didn’t even bother to fix their relationship. Without any communication, the couple could not find out if there is something wrong. Consequently, without any kind of communication, socialization or treatment, the woman went completely crazy. In our current society, communication is still a major problem faced by many couples. Divorce is almost always the end result. Seeing that as a Christian really breaks my heart. I believe that when two people make a pact before God by way of marriage, they must respect it and dignify the promise they have made. In conclusion, perhaps the biggest problem people faced before and still face now is lack of communication.

Communication is key to a lasting and fruitful relationship. Sometimes, even though couples may not agree on certain issues or topics, it is good to communicate in the form of discussion or debate. Although the tone can be somewhat condescending, it is still a form of communication that will lead to a better understanding. In the end, an argument will still outweigh the lack of communication between couples on any given day.

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