It’s hard to find health insurance that really suits your needs these days. It’s even more difficult trying to find reasonable rates. Many people swear that looking for health insurance quotes online is the “cheapest” way to go and the fastest.

Well, maybe it’s quick, but it’s certainly not the cheapest way to do it. If you really want a deal, shop local. More on that in a moment.

If you insist on shopping online, remember this rule of thumb: You will likely NOT get the preferential rate shown on websites. Why is this? This is because almost everyone has a pre-existing health condition. Since health insurance rates are determined based on your medical history, the moment you tell the insurance agent that you have condition XX, your category changes. So don’t be fooled by what you see on the net.

Now, about talking to local insurance agents, make sure you talk to them online if you don’t want to call in person; but definitely lead local and localize your health insurance needs. Here’s why: Local agents have inside information about what’s going on in their network areas. They are familiar with the hospitals and what kind of service they provide, as well as what the doctors in the area offer. This is good because you know right away what will and won’t work for you.

If you try to get this kind of service online from an insurance company in another state, you’ll just end up with a completely generic package that might not work in your local network area. This is like trying to fix your car on your own: if you have the tools and know how, everything usually turns out fine, but if you don’t, that’s another story.

There’s a bit of a fly in the ointment here, too, especially if you’re looking for individual insurance after you’ve been co-paying with a company. If you’re used to having co-pay benefits, you won’t get them when you apply for insurance on your own. The copay through the company was just that: a benefit. Now that you’re on your own, you have to pay the freight yourself – quite a shock to some who know the price of people-only co-pay coverage.

Talking to a local insurance agent will save you endless hours of browsing, comparing, calculating, complaining, worrying, and calculating. Your local agent will design a plan for YOU to fit your circumstances, using local information, so you both know what they mean when they talk about doctors and hospitals. Local agents also provide that valuable personalized service that a faceless online insurance company on the other side of the country doesn’t.

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