Kettlebells are possibly the best training equipment you could ever invest in. In addition to being a fun way to get in shape, kettlebells can be used in many ways. Strength, cardiovascular and muscular endurance are improved with kettlebell training. So what is this tool and where did it come from? Kettlebells originated in the 19th century in Russia. Who else with just one exercise tool could do so much? Kettlebells were used in markets in the past, as dumbbells. Well, since men (and women now) can’t resist seeing if they can lift something, it became a sport. A kettlebell basically looks like a ball, with a handle. Not just any ball, but a weighted ball that can be purchased and used as a training tool starting at 5 pounds. and climbing to over 100 pounds. Make sure when you talk about this amazing tool, you say kettlebell – no kettle ball. That seems to be the most common thing people get wrong about.

One of the most important questions to ask yourself is “what is the difference between using a kettlebell and using a dumbbell or free weight?” The answer is simple. A kettlebell has the center of gravity in the middle of the ball. To swing a kettlebell, you must keep your core active at all times. This makes it a great tool for strengthening your back and abdominal muscles. It used to be said that we should “take care” of back pain. Now, countless studies have shown that when done correctly, kettlebell training strengthens the muscles that surround the entire core. Kettlebell training is really great for preventing back injuries and keeping your back and abs strong.

The foundation of all kettlebell movements begins with the swing. With the kettlebell on the floor one foot away from you, bend over with your knees slightly bent, feet hip-width apart, and grasp the kettlebell with both hands. The first movement is to pull the kettlebell behind you and bring it between your legs while in a slightly back squat position. The core is engaged to keep you balanced with your chest and head up and facing forward. The kettlebell swing is a movement that is generated from a back hip hinge, to propel the kettlebell forward and up.

It is a movement that, when executed correctly, engages your core to remain stable and your glutes and legs to generate forward movement. The best thing about swinging a kettlebell is the way your heart rate shoots up and your blood pumps. This happens even with the best trained weightlifter. Due to the weight of the kettlebell and the power at which it swings, you are getting an excellent cardio workout as well as a muscle workout. This is a unique tool that can be used for many reasons. Weight loss due to the amount of calories burned during a workout. Progressive strength due to the fact that as you condition, you can continue to increase the weight of the kettlebell.

Most important to some, cardiovascular endurance also improves, as this tool creates a higher oxygen debt than many other exercises. As one becomes more efficient at kettlebell training, the person’s weight to the weight of the kettlebell is the ratio of intense training. Above all, kettlebell training is fun. It is never boring. You are always competing against your last workout in a way that forces you to get stronger and balanced longer. You’re going to make a lot of changes pretty soon, as calories burn and your muscles burn out from fatigue.

Do you think this sounds like a great tool? I just started. Kettlebell swings are just the first move to master when starting a kettlebell program. From there, the possibilities are endless. There are many other exercises in which these heavy balls with a handle are used. From old school cleanings to classic cleanings and jerks, the old style of hardcore training has returned. One-handed swings for using double kettlebells while swinging are popular. Turkish lifts, rows, are used in many forms of squats. Deadlifts, goblet squats, and lunges are some of the most popular exercises in bootcamps and classes. When you’ve mastered all of these, maybe you’re ready to consider a competition. With a sport that only a few years ago was only heard of in other parts of the world, there is a competition that is not for the weak.

Kettlebell Sport is a fast growing competitive sport. Competitions are packed with as many women as men these days. In fact, pound for pound, women are cleaning up trophies. With events lasting up to ten minutes of rolling the kettlebell from a clean to a jerk to a snatch, this competition is grueling. Athletes congregate to try to overcome the number of strokes and kilograms of weight to beat their peers.

Efficiency is the way to a winning spot at the end of the day. Still, some of the world’s top competitors come from Russia to compete with us Americans, killing on the platform almost every time! Americans are soon winning them. Some of the smaller women are cleaning and shaking a kettlebell that is a third or more of their body weight. Since you are only allowed to change hands once in the ten minute event, these women and men have trained hard. Check out Kettlebell Sport on YouTube for videos of this incredible competition that is quickly becoming popular. This is a must-see athletic event. While just about anyone can swing kettlebells, those into training and intensity are on the platforms here. They are powerful and are some of the strongest and most conditioned athletes out there.

If you are looking for a tool that does it all in the fitness world, then lift and swing a kettlebell. Some changes may be needed with a good coach to train you, but once you get the hang of it, you will be hooked. Do you want to lose body fat? Balance a kettlebell. Looking to increase your cardiovascular capacity? Start rocking. Would you like to add some muscle to a weak body? The kettlebell is your tool for everyone. If this sounds like something you’ve been looking for, make sure you’re training in the right place. Make sure you learn from someone who is certified in teaching kettlebells. When you find the gym with the right coach, the sky is the limit.

Make sure you are authorized to train in this way by your GP. Even if you have back problems, it can make the blood flow and the supporting muscles around your core stronger. Elevate your heart, your mood and your strength levels with kettlebells. The only piece of training equipment for optimal fitness.

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