Vehicle technology has come on leaps and bounds in the last few decades. Not only do speed records constantly fall by the wayside, but the world’s biggest and best manufacturers make ever more elegant and sophisticated cars every year. But more than the speed, acceleration and aerodynamic characteristics of many of the best cars, it’s the improvements in the safety department that really set the good cars apart from the middling ones.

Because driving is a potentially dangerous activity, your car’s safety features are some of the most important considerations to keep in mind when looking for your next vehicle. And when you’re looking for your next driving pleasure, look out for these features you shouldn’t miss:

– Airbags: Despite all the criticism, controversy and color surrounding the installation of airbags, this device, along with the seat belt, has probably saved more lives than any other safety device installed in vehicles. So when looking for your next vehicle purchase, look for cars with the best airbag technology. Many cars these days have both side and front airbag deployment mechanisms, and airbag technology can now detect the height, weight, and position of passengers.
– Stability Control: This is one of the most important pieces of technology, especially for those who love driving despite rainy weather. It detects the direction in which the car is heading to where it is actually heading. On slippery roads where stability is key, this can be a lifesaver due to its ability to counter skids, slides and spins.
– Lane Departure Warning: One of the most accident-prone road activities would involve changing lanes. Many of us do it carelessly without really meaning to. And some of us have blind spot accidents or because we’ve fallen asleep in our seats. Luckily this warning alerts the driver of sudden lane changes. Now at least, you know that technology has your back.

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