“Subatomic particles apparently fall apart and rematerialize quite routinely… some of them can actually be in two places at once. Their freedom from the normal confines of the space-time continuum is thought to be the result of a strange electricity, an intelligent energy, creative, playful and unpredictable interaction between entities in motion with opposite charge”.

“When asked how they can walk through flames without being burned, ‘primitives’ have reported to anthropologists that they raise the vibrational level of their flesh to match that of fire. In the same way, then, an adept might raise or lower – its vibratory rate to match that of another dimension, thus disappearing from our usual universe and appearing in the other: dematerialization”.

tom robbins

It all started for me in 1984, when the book Jitterbug Perfume was first published. I remember falling in love with Tom Robbins’ writing and soon devouring most of his books. Honestly, I had forgotten the story for many years, but late last summer, a very dear friend, my twin, with whom I have practiced lucid dreaming and time travel (which is another story) called me and said, “Do it.” . Have you read Jitterbug Perfume lately?

I said, “No, I haven’t read it in years and years.”

He replied, “Get the book and read it, it’s our story.”

So I bought the book, packed it in my suitcase, and headed for Santa Fe to study with one of the world’s leading essential oil distillers.

On the first day of the workshop, the distiller said, “If you never read another book on essential oils, the only book you have to read is Jitterbug Perfume.”

You may be thinking, as I did, that this is a sign, because sitting in my backpack was the book, craving my attention.

I never got a chance to read it on that trip, but I got home and was immediately sucked into the book. The more I read, the more I was moved, commanded, propelled, and forced to begin a quest to make this aromatic elixir.

I walked into Farmer and the Cook, our local farm-to-table restaurant and organic food store, where I looked up the farmer, Steve Sprinkel, synchronously finding him in his office.

“Steve,” I said, “I need beet pollen.” (Beet pollen is one of the main ingredients in Jitterbug perfume.)

Steve laughed and looked up, “Jitterbug Perfume!”

“Yes,” I replied, “how did you know?”

“I remember the book…” he said. “I just planted beets and you can have a couple of rows. They need to be vernalized to flower, so next year you’ll have pollen.”

So I went out on the farm and began to commune with my beets, eagerly awaiting the arrival of winter and the subsequent spring and the arrival of the beet blossoms. I spent many afternoons watching those beets grow, and finally, in mid-March, the first flowers appeared. I went outside one day and the scent of beetroot blossoms wafted through the warm spring day.

Now, for those of you who haven’t experienced the smell of beetroot blossoms, it’s not a particularly pleasant smell, but more of a musky, goaty smell, giving off the smell of dirty old socks at times. Charming you say, no, not charming, but very earthy, primitive.

Beet blossoms instructed me how to harvest, I was never in charge, they were the teacher all along. I spent the next 5 months visiting the farm twice a week, spending hours collecting beetroot pollen and flowers to make the legendary Jitterbug Perfume.

If you haven’t read the book, you might consider getting a copy, it’s a wonderful read, and in it you’ll learn that it’s a book about immortality and time travel, with Jitterbug Perfume as the main ingredient for both. adventure

I felt compelled to make this perfume and contacted Tom Robbins, after finding out his address, and told him that, eccentric as he was, I believed with all my heart that Jitterbug Perfume was true, that it was real, and that I was striving to make the perfume, as I was, and am now even more so, convinced that it was a time travel tool, an elixir of immortality, and I would love to call the resulting perfume Jitterbug.

To my delight and surprise, he responded by saying that although the events in the book did not actually happen, it was actually a true story and that I had his full permission to use the Jitterbug Perfume name if I was successful in my endeavor. . Well, I was successful and then some!

And so, under the darkness of a New Moon in August, the first bottle was finished. I sent the first bottle to Mr. Robbins, and he was delighted and thrilled with it, telling me that I had really done him and his book proud!

Jitterbug has given me very specific instructions on how it should be used and I have complied with all his requests. The experiences people are having continue to make me shake my head in utter awe and awe.

It is definitely amrita for the olfactory system and an elixir of immortality. I will report more as time goes on, but one thing Jitterbug has told me is that it should not be offered commercially and that it is my duty to prepare people to experience the perfume. Jitterbug seems to have power and presence and knows exactly what each person needs and gets them where they need to go! I have been amazed at the power of this magical elixir!

I am the humble servant of Jitterbug Perfume and am honored to be so!

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