Shaping or massage treatments and the use of a strong astringent are essential steps in banishing a double chin or sagging throat, but you should also focus on exercises.

Even if you feel a bit skeptical about their effectiveness at first, practice first, practice them regularly for a couple of weeks and you will be set to do them seriously because you can see a lot of improvements.

Stand with your head up, shoulders squared, chest high. Rotate your chin over your right shoulder, slowly, coming into a full length. Then turn left and go as far back as you can. Repeat five times in each direction.

Now drop your chin to your chest as if your head is too heavy to support. Slowly raise your head and let it fall back as far as it will go. Repeat this five to ten times.

Then slowly turn your head around your shoulders, touching your entire body. To the right five times, then reverse and turn your head to the left. Sit in a straight-backed chair while doing this, as you may feel a bit dizzy at first.

Finally, let your head fall back as far as it will go and slowly open and close your mouth ten times. Remember to do all these exercises slowly. It is the constant and deliberate pulling on the muscles that strengthens them and restores their elasticity.

Be sure to clean and cream your neck before any massage or exercise treatment. And finish by wiping off the cream and patting vigorously with ice water or astringent to help firm and tone tissue.

For a chin that isn’t really double, but just bulging and floppy, do the same exercises, just with less effort. Use a lot of facial oil or rich cream.

If the throat is creepy, fibrous or skinny, do the same exercises. Exercise uses the muscles, making them fuller, stimulating circulation and improving the texture and color of the skin. Use plenty of rich cream and occasionally, when you have time for a long treatment, a warm oil or milk mask preparation that will speed up circulation, fade that dull look and cause flakes of dead skin to come off. All chins need cold water in the morning and an occasional quick ice rub before applying makeup.

And pay more attention to makeup. Necks need the same careful treatment that you give your face. Use a foundation. A powder lotion is generally considered better as it lasts and lasts and is less likely to stick to the neckline of your dress. However, if the neck is thin and dry, you can use a little of your cream foundation if you apply it sparingly, powder more carefully, then quickly dab a cotton pad dipped in cool water over the area. This will set your makeup and give your skin a clear, natural look.

There is another enemy that you may have to eliminate or at least try to avoid if you want a pleasantly youthful face: the lines from the corners, from the nose to the mouth. Pay some attention to them when you’re getting your throat treatment. Apply rich cream and with two fingers of each hand, start at the sides of the chin and mold upwards to the nose. Think of something pleasant while you work so that the corners of your mouth automatically rise and relax. Repeat the upward massage about twenty times.

Another equally good exercise is to keep your lips together firmly and fill your cheeks with air. Then flick upwards on the same lines. Breathe out slowly, relax, and repeat several times.

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