Every newlywed couple has one or two of their best wedding photos hanging on the wall or above the mantelpiece. In this age of social media, you’ll probably want to post some wedding photos on Facebook or Instagram, as well as other social media pages. People love great photos of themselves, especially ones that are flattering. Flattering portraits are a great way to remember one of the best days of your life and are also great conversation starters. Everyone wants to have the perfect wedding and great wedding photos to show off, but achieving that mantelpiece-worthy photo isn’t always easy. Unless you’re a model or actor, you’re probably not used to standing in front of a camera. Many people don’t know that there are real techniques and rules for posing and looking good. Sure, there’s the occasional selfie or group photo at a party, but none of it can compare to posing for bridal portraits. There’s often a lot of pressure when posing for wedding photos because, unlike those amazing photos you see in all those bridal magazines, your wedding day isn’t staged and you usually won’t have to do it again. . A little practice in front of a mirror will help you overcome the fear of being in front of a lens. This article will help you come up with different poses so that your photos are not static and you always look good.

Most good photographers will help you pose. However, it’s really up to you to convey the facial expression that comes in part from being comfortable with your photographer and confident that your poses will look good. In part, it is genuine emotion that helps bring the photographs to life. That said, here are some tips to help you pose for your wedding photos. Also, these posing tips will apply to your honeymoon photos as well as other vacation photos.

put your best foot forward

When posing for a wedding photo, it’s wise to shift most of your weight to your back foot. Since you only need one leg to stand on, one foot supports your weight and the other foot becomes your stance foot. By doing this, a girl has many different options regarding the leg without the weight. For example, you could cross one leg behind the other for a pose with more attitude. This pose usually results in very flattering photos and is also very simple and versatile.

everything is in the arms

Instead of having your arms hang limply at your sides, which is often unflattering, you can always stand side by side and put your “inside” arm around your partner’s waist. Then you can hold hands in front or the groom can put her hand in his pocket or hold the bride’s hand – these are classic poses that will add a sense of timelessness to your photos. They are also very simple and you can use them when taking photos on the beach during your wedding in Florida or on the balcony of a beautiful hotel.

Remember that it usually looks better if a hand is doing something in the photo. For example, a hand on a girl’s hip or the boyfriend holding his jacket closed will always look better than a hand hanging down.

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