Content creation isn’t just about text blog posts. This is a lot of different types of content, and even more than those listed below. However, these are the types of content that all types of audiences consume the most.


These are images that invoke certain emotions combined with quotes from someone famous, or even from yourself if you’ve written something profound, factual, or thoughtful. You can use a site like to make your memes.


If you have data-centric content and need a new way to convey the information to your audience, use an infographic. An infographic is a long chart with lots of images and data explained in an easily understandable way.

short blog posts

Have blog posts of about 500 words that explain information that is very focused on one topic. This type of post can provide an informative overview of a topic, but doesn’t go as deep.

Long blog posts

Every person using content for marketing needs to include authoritative, long, and in-depth pieces of content. These can be between 750 and 3,000 words. These can consist of guides, reviews, and “how to” posts.


An ebook is usually around 10,000 words, but don’t let that scare you. Think of it as just 20 short blog posts. If you write 20 short blog posts on the same topic, explaining how to do something, you can turn them into an ebook.


Typically 2,500 words minimum and up to 7,500 words, an e-report typically covers basic educational information on a topic as well as solutions to problems the audience may have.

social media blurbs

When you promote your blog posts, e-books, e-reports, and other content, you’ll need social media advertising. Make them different for each network to make it unique and original.


Creating regular videos for your website or blog and putting them on YouTube is a great way to get more views and create more content. Videos are shared more frequently than text content and have the potential to go viral.


Asking your customers and clients to provide testimonials is a great way to get content on your website that you did not create. Testimonials will mean more if you provide links to the site of the person who provided them, plus they come directly from them without editing.

product reviews

When you recommend products, why not do a full product review? It’s a great way to get more content, as well as promote a product you like. Be fair to the products and explain how you got the product and that if they buy it, you’ll get a commission.


These are audio files and are great for those of your listeners who like to take content on the go.

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