The navigation system is one of the main components of all kinds of robotic applications. The main function of this system is to help robots and other autonomous devices detect and map the surroundings in order to move here and there efficiently. In most cases, these devices make use of a motion sensor and a software program to create a map. In this article, we are going to talk about how LiDAR and Visual SLAM are used in robotic navigation. keep reading

SLAM is short for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. The role of the system is to determine the position and orientation of a robot through the creation of a map of the environment. At the same time, the system tracks the location of the map in the environment. Most systems rely on optical sensors, such as LiDAR and Visual SLAM.

What is Visual SLAM?

These systems make use of a camera, which is powered by an IMU. This combo is known as Visual-Inertial Odometry. The term odometry implies the use of data from motion sensors to obtain a better estimate after changing a robot’s positions over time. SLAM navigation is carried out both indoors and outdoors,

In most visual SLAM systems, tracking of set points is done using successive camera frames. The idea is to triangulate the 3D position, also known as feature point triangulation. Furthermore, this information is sent back to generate a 3D map and detect the location of the autonomous device.

Apart from this, an IMU is installed to speed up feature point tracking. This is even more important with special devices, such as robots and flight-based drones. Once localization and mapping via SLAM are completed, it is easier for the robot to obtain a navigation path.

What is LIDAR?

This type of system uses a laser sensor in conjunction with an IMU to map a room. This is done as a visual SLAM, but the accuracy is quite high. Actually, LiDAR helps to measure the distance to a given object, such as a chair leg or a wall. This is done by illuminating the object using various transceivers.

Since light travels at an extremely fast speed, precise measurement performance is required for accurate tracking of the exact distance to the target. This is what makes LiDAR an ideal choice when it comes to accuracy and speed.

Opt for the correct navigation method

If you find it difficult to choose the right navigation system for your application, we suggest you consider common challenges in the world of robotics. These devices are used on different types of surfaces and paths. For example, a robotic cleaner is used on drugs, tile, and hardwood. Therefore, accurate location-based data is the first requirement. After all, these devices can only be used if they can navigate well in a room where there are many obstacles.

With the help of LiDAR and visual SLAM, it is possible to address these challenges. And the best part is that it can be done quickly and accurately. The cost is quite low too. In other words, visual SLAM is quite cost effective and does not require expensive equipment.

In a nutshell, this is how LiDAR and Visual SLAM are used in the field of robotic navigation.

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