Genius Mindset: The CHEAT GUIDE for Instant Genius promised to convert YOU in a genius fast! Written by Dr. Michael Masterman, it is produced by the WCCL Network, a company that is quickly becoming the largest producer of high-quality personal development products online. Since he had bought from them before, he was sure that the product would be good.

The core of Genius Mindset: The CHEAT’S GUIDE to Instant Genius kit is the guide which is divided into 13 sections plus bonuses. Each section builds on the last until you have a full set of mental tools to think in a higher cool way. But don’t worry if that sounds like a lot of work for you, this guide is packed with ways to make yourself appear like a genius so you can impress your friends and colleagues with your memory skills, photo reading skills, or the fact that you are now! brainstorm generator of ideas!

Being a set of tools, each mental tool in Genius Mindset: The CHEAT GUIDE for Instant Genius It is presented with just the facts and no filler. This is an efficient guide to think smart. If you want all the ins and outs of speed reading or photo reading, you’ll probably want to check out the great courses that specialize in those skills (but that could cost you several hundred dollars). The Genius Mindset Kit just lays out what you need to know to get it done.

They call them “mind tricks” – secret ways to hack into your brain power with minimal effort for maximum success. There are tons of high-priced courses and seminars that will teach you a particular skill, like the magic of mental math, mind mapping, body language, persuasion and influence, or developing a super memory. Genius Mindset: The CHEAT GUIDE for Instant Genius It compiles them all into one convenient toolset that makes all that rare knowledge easily and affordably available to you. You can just dive in whenever you want to brainstorm or impress your boss with your encyclopedic knowledge.

Genius Mindset: The CHEAT GUIDE for Instant Genius it is sold as a CD-Rom package, not a download. This allows them to pack the CD-Rom with additional features including free mind mapping software, numerous cheat sheets you can use as quick mind stimulators, and it also doubles as an audio meditation CD that will have you swapping heads with geniuses and thinking. . like Einstein, Da Vinci, Bill Gates or whatever YOUR chosen cool role models are.

My only three complaints with the Genius Mindset: The CHEAT GUIDE for Instant Genius are these:

1. It is delivered on a CD-Rom so I had to wait two or three days for delivery.

2. It is password protected and every time I open it I have to copy and paste the password. It should print it (there you have it, the ‘genius’ thing is working now! hahaha)

3. It does not have a bookmark menu in the pdf guide. Printing it would also solve that problem.

Other than that, it is very well written and researched. The presentation of the kit is excellent and the customer service is top notch.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your thinking, stay sharp, come up with brilliant ideas, and impress others by always being one step ahead of everyone else, check it out. In short, if you want to be seen as a total genius, then Genius Mindset: The CHEAT GUIDE for Instant Genius is for you. If you are more experienced and already familiar with these skill sets, you may not need this guide. Personally, I found it a refreshingly concise way to familiarize myself with these abilities and make better use of them.

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