This article explores the many facets of humor and what makes something funny. From funny jokes, SMS jokes and funny poems to twisted wits and downright weird stuff. The trait of humor is uniquely human. We are the only creature that laughs. Apart from the kookaburras. (This is really funny if you’re Australian. If you’re not so lucky, google it and laugh at me.)

The humor ranges from simple, physical humor, like pie in the face, which is only funny if you’re not the one carrying the pie, to subtle humor that uses interplay and ambiguity of words. Which is, I admit, by far my favorite. For example:

Some say that a world without sin would be ideal. I have to disagree. There are so many problems that can be solved using cos and tan.

There is tender humor.
Me: “Hey. Guess what?”
Her: “What?”
Me, crestfallen: “Good guess.”

whimsical mood
I went to the zoo today. Someone really should tell the meerkats that everything is fine.

Reverse mood.
I recently started making a friend online with the same interest in astronomy as me. He is a 55 year old retired director and a very friendly and knowledgeable guy, so we decided to meet up.
It turned out to be a 13-year-old girl. He was so disappointed.

Referential humor.
The owner of the theaters in Warriewood passed away last Friday.
His funeral will be held this Saturday at 2:10 p.m., 4:20 p.m., 6:40 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

Humor that provides a new or strange way of looking at something.
Did you know that if you stand by the ocean, it sounds like you are holding a shell up to your ear?

basic humour.
Oh yeah? Your mother is so fat that she has her own moon!

Cruel mood.
As a doctor, I have to say that the best part of my job is prescribing acupuncture for recovering heroin addicts.

cynical humour.
Who is God?
Well, you know that person you pray to when you really need something and then you don’t get it? So is God.

Pick up humorous lines. (They say women love a man who can make them laugh. Especially if he has money.)
Do you believe in love at first sight… or do I have to stop by again?

public humour.
haiku is easy
But sometimes they don’t make sense

funny poems.
Evil stirs.
Evil kneads.
Evil puts the bread in the oven.

It seems that the ability to laugh is ingrained in humans. Babies first learn to smile, then to laugh, and finally to talk. This is probably why people tell us that it is better to listen than to talk. Laughter is a step toward healthy maturity. People who don’t laugh are usually too self-obsessed to find anything funny. They must remember that no one is really looking at them. A life without laughter would be so sad. Laughter allows us to feel good about our place in the world. And it feels so much better than getting poked in the eye with a burnt stick!

I collect jokes that make me laugh. Um, that’s because collecting jokes that don’t make me laugh, um, means they’re not jokes. I love the cunning and wit that shows the irony and idiocy of life.

Imagine if you could write a book that would make the reader laugh at your bizarre worldview on every page and lead them on a journey that goes on like a frog in a sock, until the final page, when the reader realizes who have been fooled all along and throw back their heads and laugh to heaven. Sort of like The Sixth Sense without dead people.

I have written that book. The only novel I’ve ever read that made me laugh like that was The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Wit, humor, and stupidity mixed together in a joyous pot of surprises. (Is that a word?)

The book I have written is The Adventures of Princess Lau. It tells the story of a beautiful and self-assured Chinese princess, who has no idea what is going on but doesn’t let it worry her at all, who finds herself drawn into a strange world of dragons, gods, great white sharks,… chick. Norris, (yes, Chick), a Dark Lord and cows. A world teetering on the very brink of breakfast. The full secret of this world is not revealed until the final page, when the reader realizes that everything in the book is not as it seemed. Sort of like a girl I dated a long time ago.

There is just too much cruelty, anger, and downright evil in our world today. Sometimes it saddens me to see so many people shouting hate and shouting for the death of someone or another. As Gandhi said: “If everyone who has done wrong insists on an eye for an eye, then the world will be blind.” Humor is a way of coping with the tests that life sends us. If you look, you will find that life has a fantastic sense of humor. Have you ever seen a naked mole rat? Google it, laugh, and thank your lucky stars that you don’t look like this.

The following are some of my favorite jokes. If you like this style of humor, you will enjoy The Adventures of Princess Lau. I do not claim these jokes as my own. I’m not that smart, they just made me laugh. Enjoy and realize that life is wiser than any of us can comprehend.

I was at the start of the Sydney City to Surf Fun Run this morning when I saw this guy dressed as a chicken. Then I saw this other guy dressed as an egg.
I thought to myself, “This will be interesting.”

There’s nothing worse than calling the incontinence hotline and being told, “Can you please hold?”

If money makes the world go round, what shape was it before money existed?

Anne Frank would be so angry if she knew how many people have read her diary.

I just swung my girlfriend’s cat by the tail. My girlfriend caught me and gave me such a scolding.
On the plus side, our living room is bigger than I thought.

My girlfriend asked me the fatal question: “Does my butt look big in this?”
I replied, “Well, to be fair, it’s a small room…”

A soldier in Afghanistan wrote on a Facebook forum: “Sometimes on the battlefield it’s hard to remember what sin is.”
To which someone replied: “Opposite on hypotenuse, dipstick.”

My little emo sister told me yesterday: “Nobody understands me.”
I replied, “A little after eight.”

Piracy is destroying the music industry.
Try playing a guitar with a hook!

Kindness Rules!

Always remember, kindness is more important than wisdom.

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