It’s really not surprising that you feel a bit fragile, is it? Your body has just spent nine months carrying and nurturing a tiny human being, followed by a grueling ordeal to bring it into the world. Your hormones are all over the place, you’re probably exhausted and have been woken up at all hours, no wonder you’re feeling teary.

It will pass, but if you feel it’s a problem or the blues continue, your health visitor or doctor will help. Don’t suffer alone if she continues, needs help or it could mess up her relationship with her husband or prevent her from bonding with her baby.

Suddenly you can no longer walk into a store to buy more milk or a forgotten birthday card. A big lifestyle change has occurred. You have to plan your trips around naps and feeding times. He will adjust to his new way of life and enjoy getting to know and love this vulnerable little newcomer, but it will take time for him to develop a routine. Accept it and you will learn to love your new life and the wonderful joys of parenthood.

In the meantime, be grateful for any help from your husband or family while you’re feeling a bit fragile. You may also miss your co-workers, try not to isolate yourself too much, keep in touch with your colleagues, I’m sure they would love to see your baby. Also join support groups for mothers and babies; you will find it helpful to talk to other mothers; Local groups are easy to find online.

Your partner may also be feeling the strain of the new way of life, but still has to go to work, despite lack of sleep. He, too, may feel isolated, a bit left out, and not sure how he can help. It will take a bit of time for both of them to adjust. Be kind and support each other and your relationship will grow stronger. He tries to see the funny side of small mishaps and relax.

Now is the time to pamper yourself a little and take advantage of offers of help. Explain what would help you the most. It could be doing some shopping, washing the kitchen floor, or a couple of hours to catch up on sleep while your mom, sister, or a trusted friend watches your baby. Don’t expect too much of yourself or be hard on yourself. Feeling tired and overwhelmed will pass, let others help you

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