The perception of appearance depends on the concept of proportion and symmetry. There’s even a mathematical formula, the phi ratio, that proves this. Its maximum beauty depends on how the different parts fit together. Although it is generally thought that plastic surgery and exercise are mutually exclusive, I believe the opposite is true. There is a true symbiosis between them.

Dissatisfaction with certain areas of his body led him to undergo liposuction. He had these stubborn areas of fat that the procedure removed. Of course you look better, but do you look as good as you can? Is the body as a whole looking its best or can points be refined with the right exercises to bring the whole package into ideal aesthetic proportion and symmetry?

Liposuction set the stage to allow the results of proper exercises to be more appreciated. However, all exercise regimens are different in what they accomplish in terms of sculpting the body. The exercises that follow are those that are specifically designed to contour and define the torso and extremities.

Too many people assume that the preferred method of exercise is aerobics. While this lowers your overall body fat percentage, it just leaves you looking like a smaller version of how you started. A big pear becomes a small pear.

Others, caught up in the slogan of the day, focus on core training as emphasized by yoga and Pilates. Again, you definitely gain fitness, but both yoga and Pilates lack the ability to enhance zones to provide the ideal body proportion.

Training with machines is like using insoles. They seem easy to use, but they keep you locked in directions that may not be ideal for your anatomy.

After liposuction, the need is to reshape the body to match the surgically enhanced areas and to maintain these improvements. The abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks can now be further tightened. Arms, shoulders and legs can be sculpted and defined. Here are the ten exercises to improve the results of your liposuction.

I’m sure everyone wants a firmer, shapelier butt.

Wide stance or sumo dumbbell squat

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in, hanging down. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead, back straight, and feet as wide apart as possible. Hold a dumbbell in each hand or a heavier dumbbell oriented vertically with both hands between your thighs. Inhale and squat down until your upper thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and your knees wide apart. Return to the starting position and exhale. The descent must be slow and controlled. The ascent must be accelerated. Repeat.

dumbbell front lunge

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in, hanging down. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead, back straight, and feet about a foot apart. Inhale and step your right leg forward as far as you can until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Your left leg should be kept as straight as possible, without bending the knee more than necessary. Step back to starting position. Do the required number of repetitions and repeat with the other leg.

Stiff legged dumbbell deadlift

Using a standing stance slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your legs straight, your back straight, and your head up, inhale and lower the weights until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs. Then, keeping your legs straight and your back straight, return to an upright position as you exhale.

Now we have what I call the spaghetti strap exercises.

Bent Over Two Dumbbell Rows – Elbows Forward

Using a close standing stance, place a dumbbell on each side of your feet. Lean forward at the waist and grasp the dumbbells with both hands with your knees slightly bent to relieve pressure on your lower back. Turn the palms of the hands to face the legs. Pull the dumbbells straight out to the sides of your chest keeping your elbows out and your upper arms perpendicular to your body. Momentarily hold, then slowly lower the dumbbells under control. Breathe out as you lift and inhale as you lower. Keep your back straight and your head up.

Hand on bench one-arm dumbbell row-palm facing in

Place a dumbbell on the floor next to a flat bench. Place your right knee and right palm on the bench with your back straight and parallel to the bench. Grab the dumbbell in your left hand with your palm facing the bench, and extend your left leg back. Keeping your elbow close to your body, pull the dumbbell toward your chest. Hold for a moment, then slowly lower under control. Perform the desired number of repetitions, then reverse with left knee and left palm on the bench, right leg back, and dumbbell in right hand. Remember to keep your elbow close to your body as you lift the dumbbell.

To firm, define and reduce movement of the arms, we have the following trio.

Lateral Frontal Rotational Raise

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab one dumbbell in each hand hanging at arms length with palms facing thighs. Keeping your arms straight, raise the dumbbells slightly above shoulder height, keeping your arms parallel to the floor, rotate the dumbbells forward so they touch in front of your chest. Keeping dumbbells together, palms down, lower dumbbells toward front of thighs with palms facing thighs. Keeping the dumbbells in front of you, lift them in a semicircular path in front of your face with your arms parallel to the floor. Keeping your arms parallel to the floor, rotate the dumbbells to the side and lower them to your sides. The movement is up to the side, down to the front, then up to the front and down to the sides. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Alternating Hammer Curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight. Bend your knees slightly to relieve pressure on your lower back. The dumbbells hang with the arms extended at the sides with the palms facing in. Fold the dumbbell into your right hand, keeping the position of the palm facing towards the level of the right shoulder. Lower under control with your palm facing in until the dumbbell is in the original position. Now do the same movement with your left hand while your right hand remains by your side. Alternate the two hands.

Supine Two Dumbbell Triceps Press

Lie down on a flat bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other and raise them to arm height keeping them in line with your shoulders. Inhale and lower both dumbbells down in a semicircular motion, bending your elbows but keeping your upper arms upright and your elbows pointing toward the ceiling throughout the movement. The dumbbells should be lowered until the forearms and biceps touch. Raise the dumbbells back to the starting position using the same path as your exhale.

To get that tight and flat abdomen, try these.


Lie on the floor with your knees bent at a 45-degree angle. Cross your arms over your chest. Inhale and contract your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders off the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscle and hold for a moment. Return to the starting position and exhale. Once you can do 15 reps, hold a 15-pound dumbbell to your chest. Progress to heavier weights as you can complete 15 reps.

reverse crunch

Lie on your back with your legs stretched out in the air. Steadying with your arms, lift your buttocks up and hold, pushing your toes toward the ceiling. Lower slowly and repeat to failure.

Proper training exercise can greatly improve the results of liposuction. Why settle for less?

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