Named for the hair removal process, the Epila hair removal laser is another of the small handheld laser hair removal devices now being marketed for the home user. Like all of these devices, it offers the promise of removing unwanted hair from the legs, body or pubic region using the same laser technology used by professional hair removal experts, but at a small fraction of the cost. These lasers work by heating the hair inside the follicles, damaging or killing the follicles and rendering them unable to produce hair any longer. Home models don’t offer the versatility of commercial machines, but they do provide considerable flexibility, privacy, and great savings for the home user.

The Epila laser hair removal is best used on hair that has already been shaved as close to the skin as possible.

This is true of all laser hair removal treatments, as if more hair remains, it will absorb heat that should be concentrated in the follicle and make the treatment less effective, or possibly completely ineffective. The laser is meant to heat the hair that is inside the follicle.

The manufacturer recommends that cooling gel be applied to the skin two to three minutes before using the laser. The pain from laser application is said to be similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin, so the user should be prepared for some pain during treatment.

The laser has three settings: low, medium, and high, and new users should be careful to start on the lowest setting and work up if more intense hair removal is necessary.

The Epila laser has a diode laser with a long wavelength, and the company claims that it is therefore more effective in hair removal for dark-skinned users than comparable devices, as laser hair removal is often difficult. on people with dark complexions because the skin absorbs more of the laser energy than it should for maximum effectiveness. However, Epila’s “spot size”, the width of the laser beam across the skin, is extremely small and many users report that only one or two hairs can be treated at a time, making the use of this laser be a long and laborious job. process.

As with all laser hair removal, Epila tends to make the skin where it is used extremely sensitive for several days afterwards, and direct sunlight should be avoided, as well as any potentially harsh chemicals or makeup.

Hair will continue to fall out for several weeks after treatment and several monthly treatments may be needed to completely remove hair from one region of the body. Some users report successful treatment without painful side effects, while others report being injured by the laser and experiencing no decrease in hair growth, though it’s unclear if the latter used the cooling gel, which protects the skin and tends to concentrate. the laser. heat in the follicles.

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