Disclaimer: Before following this or any exercise program, consult your physician.

Did you know that you don’t have to train for hours to get the body of your dreams? It’s true. In fact, just 30-45 minutes a day is enough to firm up and lose weight.Yeah his exercise routines are of the right kind. Follow these effective training tips and get the body of your dreams in just 30 minutes a day.

1. Intersperse high-intensity workouts with others of lower intensity. You can do this in two ways. You can increase the intensity during your regular workout, or you can do high-intensity workouts every other day. For example, your exercise routines could include:

  • Walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes at three miles per hour. But every five to 10 minutes of this workout, increase your speed up to four miles per hour for two minutes.
  • Walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes at three miles per hour, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, increase your pace to four miles per hour.

Always remember to increase your resistance before increasing the intensity of your workout.

2. Combine cardio with strength training. The folks at Curves Fitness Centers are right: Combining cardio with strength training is one of the most effective training tips. This is called circuit training, and science has even confirmed its effectiveness in burning more calories than cardio or strength training alone. Plus, you can cut your training time in half!

3. Mix it up. If you enjoy your exercise routine, that’s great. But if you enjoy it to the point where it becomes easy, you have a problem. You see, your body becomes very efficient by performing exercises that you do all the time. At that point, your training doesn’t work very well anymore. To prevent that from happening, mix up your exercise routines. Intersperse jogging with walking, playing tennis or swimming, for example.

4. Consume Proteins. One of the best training tips is to consume plenty of protein. Your muscles need it to rebuild muscle. This is true, by the way, for both cardio and strength workouts. So make sure you include plenty of protein in your diet.

5. Eat carbs. Just like you need protein to repair your workout muscles, you need carbohydrates for energy. Eating a banana before your exercise routines is a great way to provide energy for your workout.

Although there are many effective training tips, here are five of the most important. Just keep up the pace, work your way up to your goal and you could have the body of your dreams in just 30 minutes a day.

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