I bet you’re wondering about the thread here, huh? Frankly, now that I’ve written it, I feel a bit stretched to connect the dots in this title, but here I go …

I have a theory about life: we are all born as donuts. Our purpose in life is to find our donut hole. The donut hole space is a symbol of our own personal and unique life purpose … our calling. When we find this purpose and live it, we feel whole and complete.

However, there are also deceptive dynamics of addiction that can fill the donut hole as well. There are the most obvious addictive behaviors, such as alcohol and drugs, but also the more subtle (and often socially fostered) addictions such as compulsive spending, relationships, work, sex, food, and exercise.

At first, these addictive activities do not appear to be addictive at all. In fact, they often seem to be quite rewarding and enjoyable. However, the addiction always grows more and more, and begins to corrode the “donut” … your life! If left untreated, in the end there is nothing left but a huge donut hole … total loss and despair.

However, there is hope. The first step is to be aware, and then you can establish a “self-intervention against addiction” program. The three steps required for such a program are discover, retrieve, and discover:

Discover: Addiction is like mold that grows and rots in the dark. However, its power is reduced when it is brought into the “light”. Create a powerful support network for yourself that you can sign up with on a regular basis. Ask them to help you be responsible for any addictive tendencies. Always uncover those dynamics that the addictive force wants to deny and minimize. In other words, commit to “telling yourself” regularly.

Recover – Recover what was lost or displaced. Define or redefine your values, your purpose, your vision, and your goals. Clarify the limits you need to stay away from addictive triggers. Know the early warning signs and indicators of your addiction.

Discover – Design and live your life from the present to the future. Create an exciting life plan that takes you into new and unfamiliar territory. Discover the “Land of Possibilities”; those totally new and different people, places and activities. Create an extensive list of “top-of-the-line” indicators; those positive influences that are farthest from addictive energy.

Well, there you have it: donuts, addiction, and the meaning of life. Let me know what you think. In the meantime …

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