So you’ve been skating in those perfect feeling CCM skates. But they are worn out, so you replace them. He replaces them with a pair of new Bauers because they feel more comfortable. You skate with them and you hate them. Don’t worry, you are not the only person who has experienced this. It is actually quite common.

Unless someone told you or you work in the industry, you probably don’t know they’re set up differently. Chances are those CCM skates, depending on age, model, and size, may have a radius of 11 feet and a blade pitch forward. Those Bauers you just switched to could have a 9 foot radius with a negative pitch. That is a very different change.

Blade’s radius determines how much steel you have on ice. While the pitch of the blade determines where the steel is in the ice.

There is a whole science behind this. Both have a great effect on you, the skater. I’m going to make this simple, with a simple formula. More steel on ice = more speed, less agility Less steel on ice = less speed, more agility. As far as the pitch of the blade is concerned, in a simple way, it determines at what angle the steel will be placed on the ice. This is huge! Let me say it again, if you are serious about your game, this is very important information!

Now those formulas I have listed above are just “theoretical”. Just because you go out in a 7-foot radius because you think your game is all quick cuts and quick feet, doesn’t mean that’s the right number for you. If you look at the NHL, blade spokes are all over the place. Many players, such as Sergei Fedorov, are known to use larger radii and are still very agile and able to fly. There are many factors that come into play in finding the best radio and ringtone for you.

The best thing a serious hockey player can do, if they haven’t already, is to go to their local pro shop. Work with them to find the best match for you. Chances are the first pair you try isn’t exactly the right one for you, if so, kudos are in order. But don’t be alarmed if the first combination you try doesn’t work. I’ve tried just about every combination you can think of to find the one I like best.

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