I have heard a lot about baking soda and its use to cure bacterial vaginosis. I am not convinced to say the least. First of all, you need to understand what bacterial vaginosis is. It is not an infection, as many people think it is actually an inflammation of the vagina caused by an imbalance of the vagina’s own bacteria. When the bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria inside the vagina, inflammation occurs.

So what about baking soda? Well, taking half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water is supposed to balance the body’s PH level and I can see where it might work, but it’s much better to incorporate a barrier against bacterial vagonsis into your daily diet. to prevent you from taking drastic measures when you have a touch of BV.

To maintain a healthy balance, try to eat well, as obvious as it may seem, many of us eat an unbalanced diet. Make sure you get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially good quality green vegetables. Add a daily intake of yogurt with live cultures. I would recommend Activia for this, but any yogurt with live cultures would probably do the same. You can take acidophilus supplements, these come in capsules that you can swallow and are easily found in most health food stores. Another health food store favorite is olive leaf capsules, which are great for general health and are great for boosting the immune system.

Other things to help with bacterial vaginosis include, although it is obvious, staying clean, learning good habits in cleaning the vagina, especially when it comes to cleaning and having contact with the anus. Another good tip is to get plenty of air into the vagina. I am not suggesting running naked, it is only possible to go to bed without underwear to allow the vagina to air dry. I would recommend that you do not shower, as this also disturbs the bacteria in the vagina.

Finally, a word about alcohol, a lot of people enjoy a drink, I’m sure I’m one of them, but too much alcohol can wreak havoc on your body’s PH levels and this alone can cause bacterial growth. So if you’re having trouble with recurring BV, try giving alcohol a break for a few weeks and see if it improves.

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