Nobody wants to lose their hair. Whether as a result of middle age for men, the aftermath of menopause for women, or after a fever, hair loss can be a difficult event. Hair loss can also be attributed to the use of drugs, prescribed or not. Even hereditary hair loss can sometimes be stopped with the right natural care. This is where homeopathy and simple cooking methods can be used.

Homeopathy is a medical discipline that has been shown to stop hair loss and put the patient in order. Because the word homeopathy includes the word “home,” many assume it means home remedies. Indeed, home remedies can be helpful in restoring and maintaining our health, but homeopathy is actually a form of medicine with a history dating back to the late 18th century and has been accepted worldwide ever since. Unfortunately, this has not been the case in the United States as modern medicine was so enamored with antibiotics that it no longer considered homeopathy to be of value. This is changing, and rapidly. The premise of homeopathy is that the body has the ability to restore health when given the correct stimulus. Well-chosen homeopathic remedies offer that boost.

So how can homeopathy help with hair loss? If the loss is fairly recent and the hair continues to fall out, then homeopathy has been shown to be more likely to help the situation. There are many remedies that can cover the problem of hair loss, but before contacting a professional homeopath, it would be wise to try the following remedies.

The first remedy to consider is Calc phos 6x. This is particularly useful for hair loss due to fever; however, it can also restore hair without that symptom. It should be administered three times a day for several weeks. In the old homeopathy books written by homeopathic doctors in the UK, Silica 6x and Calc fluor 6x are also considered good options for hair loss and it is suggested to alternate them so that one day three doses of Silica can be taken, while on the other day Calc fluor 6x will replace Silica.

Although not considered homeopathy, diet can be a major factor in hair loss or lustrous hair. A diet rich in animal and tropical fats is of great value. That is, butter, coconut oil and palm kernel oil. Making a habit of consuming these vitamin-rich oils necessary for healthy hair and skin can ensure no more hair loss and can restore growth. In fact, it is likely that if these quality foods have been lacking in the diet, that could be the cause of the problem in the first place. Also, any of these natural oils applied to the scalp can strengthen the health of the hair.

If these simple ideas don’t work for you, consider consulting with a homeopath who can take the situation to a more personal level. The combination of homeopathy and natural diet change is natural and rational. It is not whimsical like its modern medicine counterpart. Homeopathy and a high-quality diet are real medicines for people who want to empower themselves. Good bread and butter common sense for intelligent action.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and cannot be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquiries and seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

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