Let me go straight to the point. The home gym equipment industry is full of scams. Most of these people care about nothing more than making a quick buck. The products they sell are glorified wall hangings that are never used. They rob innocent customers of their money. In this article, I will give you an honest Bowflex review.

When I first saw the Bowflex commercials, I’ll admit I was intrigued. I was looking for a home gym at the time and it seemed like a viable option. But let me tell you that the Bowflex is not all that it seems.

From what I gathered from the commercials, I believed I would be able to build serious muscle on a Bowflex machine. All the male models on television looked great. My wife, on the other hand, was impressed with the female models and she thought that she could use them to tone up. Well, I’ll be the first to say: I’m pretty sure those models have never used a Bowflex machine.

The good

There are some nice features of the Bowflex. It is quite compact and easy to fold. If you ever decide you want to move it to another room or house, you’ll have no problem disassembling and reassembling it.

The bad

The Bowflex is not a machine for building muscle or losing fat. You just can’t build a body like they show on TV with the Bowflex. It takes a combination of the right diet and an exercise program to achieve this.

I paid almost $2,000 for my machine, which I regret. I could have gotten a couple years worth of gym memberships for myself and my wife.

It is not as easy as they claim to switch between exercises. I ended up spending as much time fiddling with the resistance bars as I did working out.

I hope this review has helped you in some way. I wouldn’t necessarily call Bowflex a scam. Some people may like its comfort, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

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