The case for mounting the body of accumulated debris is strong. Over the years, powerful natural healers have pointed to cleansing time and time again as the cornerstone of optimal health. Natural health giants including Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Norman Walker, Ph.D., Dr. Jon Matsen, author of Eating Alive, one of the best natural health manuals ever written, Dr. Paul Bragg, Dr. Herbert Shelton, Dr. Paavo Airola have all emphasized the need to cleanse our internal bodies. The list of advocates goes on and on. The question is no longer whether to detox, but how.

In the late 19th century, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, of Kellogg’s cereal fame and star of the film The Road to Wellville, offered his guests a variety of cleansing programs at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Later, Dr. Jensen helped thousands of patients alleviate a wide variety of ailments through cleansing at his retreat ranch in Escondido, California. But these days it’s impractical for most of us to drop everything for days, weeks, or even months at a time to “clean house.” We may not have time anymore, but our need to detox is greater than ever.

Today, toxins from all directions bombard our bodies. Poisons pollute the air we breathe. They seep into the water we drink and infiltrate the food we eat. There is simply no way around them. In 1993, more than 271 million pounds of toxic chemicals (phosphoric acid, ammonia, sulfuric acid, methanol, etc.) were released into our water supply. Agribusiness uses 33 times more pesticides today than 50 years ago. The simple truth is that your filtration and elimination organs were not designed to process such a heavy load. Eventually, they become overworked, sluggish, and toxins begin to accumulate throughout the body.

Staying inside won’t work either. The EPA reports that pollutant levels inside buildings can be up to 100 times higher than outdoor pollution levels. Time magazine, December 21, 1998, in an article titled This Place Makes Me Sick, reported on the growing problem known as sick building syndrome, a disease of modern architecture in which sealed, energy-conserving buildings have become breeding grounds for some particularly insidious buildings. stuff. These include outgassing of paint, vinyl flooring, insulation, and furniture; chemical contaminants oozing from copiers, fax machines, and laser printers; mold, mildew, bacteria, and dust from dirty air ducts and improperly maintained air conditioners. It’s enough to make you sick… and it does.

But if this toxic monster seems unbeatable, don’t despair. Therapeutic internal cleansing can ease the load on your eliminative organs and free them to do their job. Remember that these poisons hide throughout your body, in all soft tissues, organs, and systems. Avoid the mistake of focusing solely on the colon. A colon cleanse will do you good, but the improvement will be marginal. The large intestine is just one of the five channels of elimination in your body, although it is the most obvious. The lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, and skin all have crucial roles to play in the cleansing process, and you’ll need to address all of them for the best results. The liver, the primary filter for the bloodstream, will surely need to be detoxified. However, unless it is especially weak or toxic, liver cleansing should wait until you have reduced the toxic load on the rest of your body.

Fortunately, modern herbalists have formulated some excellent cleansing products that you can use to great effect, without putting your life on hold. Keep in mind that different herbs target different organs and systems. The design of a cleaning product must be complete enough to do a complete job. The best cleanses activate all five elimination channels and promote the release of toxins from all the nooks and crannies. This is what you should look for.

Channel #1 – The Colon

Unless you have 2 or 3 good bowel movements every day, you are constipated and invariably toxic.

Therapeutic Herbs

Chickweed to strengthen the intestine.

Fennel seeds to relieve gases by improving digestion.

ginger root It acts as a cleaning agent.

Marshmallow removes hardened mucus from the intestines.

Mint cleanses and strengthens the intestine.

Banana it is one of the best herbs for neutralizing poison and breaking up intestinal mucus.

slippery elm heals and soothes the gut (and lungs).

Fenugreek lubricates the intestines and dissolves hardened mucus.

Healthy Foods for the Colon

flax seeds– a soft loading agent.

Miller’s Bran– a fiber to help restore peristaltic action.

Serum– to acidify the colon.

Yeast– supplies B vitamins, amino acids and minerals to support the nerve supply to the colon.

Yoghurt– Bacteria friendly supplies.

Green Super Foods– Chlorella, spirulina and blue-green algae help detoxify and strengthen the entire body.

A colon-friendly diet is primarily vegetarian with plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, cereals, and high-fiber salads.

Channel #2 – The Lungs

Every time you exhale you are eliminating waste.

Therapeutic Herbs

black cohosh helps loosen and expel mucus from the bronchi.

Fenugreek helps expel phlegm, toxic waste and protects against infections.

ginger root it is a cleansing agent for the lungs.

licorice root reduces excess fluid in the lungs.

mullein loosens mucus.

Marshmallow removes mucus.

slippery elm it is soothing and healing for the lungs.

lobelia relieves bronchial spasms and congestion.

Healthy foods for the lungs

A diet for lung health should be rich in plant proteins, whole grains, and low in refined carbohydrates and starches. Pitted fruits like apricots, peaches, and plums are good for your lungs, as are cultured foods like yogurt, kefir, and miso.

Channel #3 – The lymphatic system

This circulatory system removes cellular waste from all over your body and houses a large part of your immune system.

Therapeutic Herbs

black cohosh Stimulates the secretions of the lymphatic system.

Echinacea improves lymphatic drainage.

Fenugreek promotes the expulsion of toxic waste from the lymph.

And since liver exhaustion and stress weaken lymphatic function, support your liver with:

dandelion root It is a powerful liver detoxifier.

milk thistle It is very protective and cleansing for the liver.

Healthy foods for the lymphatic system

Too many saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and insufficient water intake slow lymphatic flow. A colon friendly diet is also good for the lymph. You’ll also want to add some potassium-rich foods like broccoli, bananas, and black olives. Fresh vegetable juice made from carrots, celery, spinach, and parsley is excellent for the lymphatic system and liver. Buy it fresh from the health food store, or if you’re feeling especially motivated, get a juicer and make your own using 3 carrots, 3 celery stalks, ½ bunch of spinach, and ½ bunch of parsley.

Channel #4 – The Kidneys

Regulation of water and electrolytes, maintenance of normal acid-base balance, retention of vital substances, and elimination of metabolic wastes is the responsibility of the kidneys.

Therapeutic Herbs

burdock root Helps detoxify the kidneys.

ginger root detoxifies the kidneys

Horse tail tones the kidneys and bladder.

Healthy foods for the kidneys

Emphasize garlic, onions, papayas, bananas, sprouts, leafy greens, cucumbers, and watermelon—all are kidney-healing. Try to avoid heavy starches, red meat, dairy (except fatty crops), refined, salty and (fast) foods, all of which inhibit the filtering ability of the kidneys. In general, a healthy diet that includes plenty of water will help support healthy kidneys.

Channel #5 – The Skin

The largest organ in the body also happens to be the largest organ of elimination, removing more than 20% of your body’s waste. If you want to detox you’re going to have to sweat.

Therapeutic Herbs

Herbs that cleanse the blood have a beneficial impact on the skin.

black cohosh neutralizes poisons in the blood.

yellow duck a great blood builder.

burdock root One of the best blood purifiers.

dandelion root detoxifies the liver and blood.

Yarrow opens the pores to allow free perspiration.

Healthy foods for the skin

Foods for healthy skin include: mineral-rich foods such as leafy greens, bell peppers, broccoli, sunflower and sesame seeds, fish, and sea vegetables. Cultured foods like yogurt and kefir provide beneficial bacteria. Eat plenty of foods with high water content; fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water, 6-8 glasses of bottled or filtered water every day.

Boosting the herbal cleansing process and lifestyle modification has helped thousands of my clients relieve digestive problems, lose weight, improve poor skin, eliminate allergies, constipation, fatigue, headaches, brain fog, menstrual problems. .. the list goes on and we. Most likely it can help you too.

Sam Rose, CN MS is a licensed and certified nutritionist and owner of Rose Nutrition Center in West Los Angeles. You can reach him at [email protected] or 310-473-8835.

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