How soon to start using flash cards?

Most parents don’t see a reason to teach their children in their early years because it seems they won’t understand.

However, research shows that four-month-olds can understand written words, learn new languages, and learn math.

Baby flash cards are a great way to train your baby’s brain.

Mathematics is a subject in which babies can make great progress with this method. For example, the flashcards allow babies to use their right brain and differentiate between 88 and 89 dots on a page just by looking at it.

What if your baby doesn’t like flashcards?

Babies are curious and enjoy learning. Just remember to smile and clap at your baby as you repeat the words on the flashcards with your baby.

Your mental moods or emotions affect your baby’s mood. If you don’t seem stressed, your baby will be encouraged to learn. Always stop when your baby looks tired.

Don’t give up if your baby doesn’t show initial signs of progress as he absorbs the information.

When you show your baby, your baby’s right brain absorbs the information subconsciously.

Flash cards activate the right brain, and right-brain problem solving means coming up intuitively with the right answer, but you may not be able to explain the steps to reach the conclusion.

Whereas the left brain is logical and problem solving follows a system that requires constant repetition and is difficult for younger children.

How often do you practice flash cards with your baby?

It is better if you can try to practice at least 3 times a day, every day. You may also consider using educational software that helps provide a structured sequence of cards and allows you to sit next to your child and read each card as it is shown.

Some critics say that you should only start reading and learning at the age of six and that this kind of learning is difficult for a child and not fun.

This is not true, as children will find learning fun if the parent or teacher makes learning fun.

Make flashcards a part of your child’s life so they feel natural to them. Your mood plays an important role in your child’s learning. Avoid teaching if he is feeling tired or stressed.

“It is important to be relaxed and happy, making learning fun”

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