An art studio should be a place where the creative juices can flow freely. This means a space that has great light, the necessary materials and tools, and indoor air quality that is healthy and relaxing to work in. Because many of the products used by artists emit airborne volatile chemicals and other pollutants, it’s important to select an air purifier that can remove them. Here are 5 features that will ensure your cleaner makes your art studio a productive and healthy place to be.

It has a filter for chemical products.-Oil paint, acrylics and aerosols are great works of art, but they contribute greatly to poor air quality. The volatile organic chemicals that many of these products emit can cause symptoms such as dry or burning throat, watery eyes, headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, to name a few. Make sure the cleaner you choose has a filter specifically designed to remove airborne chemicals. Consult the technical specifications or call the company to verify that the filter will be effective in an art studio.

Contains a HEPA particulate filter-A high efficiency particulate arrest (or HEPA) filter is a must if you are working with an environment that generates fine particles of any kind. By definition, this type of filter will remove airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. A micron is defined as one millionth of a meter; and the period at the end of this sentence is greater than 600 microns. This type of filter will not only remove particles associated with your art, but will also remove normal types of particles such as room dust, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, and the virus.

Has pre-filters for longevity-Pre-filters are just what the name suggests: filters that come before other filters. A cleaner that has multiple pre-filters will be effective much longer than one that has none. The purpose of these filters is to prevent the internal HEPA and chemical filters from filling up with large particles. By trapping large particles, HEPA and chemical filters take longer to fill and have a chance to fill with the contaminants they remove best.

Contains a split capacitor motor-An art studio needs filtered air 24 hours a day so that as your artwork dries and sends chemicals into the air, the cleaner is there to remove them and prevent harmful air buildup. A split capacitor stated in the technical specifications means that the motor is designed to run safely, efficiently and effectively 24 hours a day, whether it is there or not.

It is flexible in its placement-Your studio should focus on you and your art, not on the purifier. Make sure your cleaner only needs 6 inches of clearance from any wall. This will allow you to use the floor space as you wish. Stay away from those units that require to be placed in the center of the room. This is another feature worth checking out before you buy.

Has variable speed control-Being able to determine how fast the air is filtered is a really important feature. If you are sanding a lot or spraying a lot, being able to speed up the rate at which the air is cleaned keeps the air quality high by simply turning the speed up a bit. When there’s less activity, you can also slow down the filtration rate and still stay ahead of contaminants.

It is portable-Choosing a unit that is portable gives you control over studio air quality wherever your studio is. A cleaner with sturdy wheels is a nice feature. The casters allow you to move it within your studio or to a studio in a completely different location. Portability means clean air is always as close as the nearest outlet.

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