Most people will never consider buying a mule, but for those who do, this book is a must read. A beginner’s guide on how to own a mule will help a novice mule buyer avoid dire mistakes when choosing his mule.

This nine-chapter book covers everything from what to look for in a mule and how to search, to befriending the mule once purchased. That’s right: make friends. A mule won’t necessarily like a person just because he feeds them. A person must work patiently to gain the trust and acceptance of the mule. It’s not always easy, and it can take a long time. Unfortunately, some mules may never develop that special bond with their owner.

The author also covers the tack (which is equipment for the animal). There are photos of various bits, croopers and other equipment. The author then gives advice on how to saddle the mule. Of special interest is the chapter on problems that can occur along the way: how to avoid them and what to do when they are unavoidable.

There is also helpful advice on equine medical issues an owner will have to deal with, such as dental work (yes, equines should have the services of a licensed and certified equine dentist). Periodic deworming of horses and seasonal vaccines are also discussed. These are often contentious issues among owners.

An interesting addition to this book compared to other equine books is the discussion of trailers and arenas. Most people think of large rodeo arenas when the subject comes up, but the author introduces the idea of ​​home-friendly jogging arenas. These can be built by most homeowners at a very reasonable price and will allow a working person to ride their animal more often. And put a reluctant mule in a trailer? That is also covered.

The discussion of housing facilities raised many issues that most new horse owners probably won’t think about. The author offers a great analogy between boarding an animal and paying for a boat mooring. If one uses the boat (or mounts the animal frequently), the cost may not seem objectionable, but if one rarely uses the boat or mounts the animal, the cost may become a nuisance. An excellent discussion of things to look for (or avoid) follows if you approach the animal (either long term or short term).

The last chapter of the book, however, is the deciding factor: Clinics: changing lives. It would be almost impossible for a new mule owner not to seriously consider attending a reputable mule trainer clinic after reading this chapter.

A Beginner’s Guide to Owning a Mule is a gem of helpful information, well written, and offers lots of laughs. The author’s style is friendly and not pompous or know-it-all. This is a book that even experienced cyclists could benefit from.

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