Taking kids to the playground is a great way for them to get a breath of fresh air and allow them to exercise through active play. Particularly now that we live in a device-driven age, playgrounds serve as a wonderful place for children to have screen-less entertainment.

However, parents should be aware of some invisible dangers that are present on playgrounds. Did you know that according to a study, 50 percent of playground equipment is contaminated with some type of bacteria that causes disease? Furthermore, these playground equipment is also contaminated with some sweat, urine, saliva, mucus, and blood. Oh! It turns out that the average playground is not that clean and can become a breeding ground for all kinds of germs.

So how do you ensure that your children’s exposure to these disease-causing pollutants is eliminated or minimized? Here are 8 practical tips every parent should know.

1) Practice good hand washing before and after playing

Teach your children the importance of washing their hands well before and after playing. This habit works in two ways: it helps your child fight germs that contaminate playground equipment, and in the same way, it protects other children from coming into contact with germs that your child may have.

2) Take some wet wipes with you

Carry wet wipes with you which can be useful when you need to clean your children’s hands and there is no water source around. You can also use the wet wipes to clean equipment your child is likely to come in contact with.

3) Use a microfiber towel for quick cleaning

Perhaps you and your family have decided to enjoy a picnic while in the park, and you need to clear the picnic table in the blink of an eye before placing food on the table. A microfiber towel can easily do the trick. Simply spray an eco-friendly cleaning spray on the towel to clean the area.

4) Stay away from indoor playgrounds

Sure, germs are lurking on both indoor and outdoor playgrounds. But, indoor playgrounds are closed and germs of different kinds, including bacteria known to cause meningitis, are easily trapped inside. So, no matter how much you want to keep children away for even a few minutes while you shop, avoid using indoor play areas like those in shopping malls or restaurants.

5) Teach your children to avoid putting their hands to their mouth and nose

Teach your children as soon as possible to get rid of the habit of putting their hands to their mouth or nose. Touching your mouth, nose, and other facial areas with dirty hands is a surefire way of transferring germs.

6) Encourage children to practice proper sneezing habits

Children should learn to cough or sneeze safely to avoid spreading germs to others. Tell them to cough into their elbow or use a tissue in case they need to sneeze instead of using their hands, as doing so will only spread saliva and mucus, along with germs, as soon as they touch the playground equipment. recess.

7) Stay protected with a handy nasal disinfectant

The nose can be an easy portal for germs that cause disease. You can give your kids an extra line of defense against common playground germs and pollutants by using an easy-to-carry nasal disinfectant available on the market now. No nasal disinfectant available? Instead, try applying a small layer of petroleum jelly around the nostril area.

8) Start a campaign to raise awareness about harmful germs on playgrounds

Children deserve play areas that are not only fun, but are also healthy and safe. Inform other parents and the rest of your community about the importance of a clean and sanitized playground. You can start raising funds that will be used for regular sanitation and disinfection of the equipment on your playground.

Be careful, but avoid going overboard!

While it is every parent’s duty to make sure their children are safe and healthy, don’t forget to keep your balance and let your children have fun in outdoor games. Plus, a little exposure to bacteria is also good for your child’s immune system development. Therefore, practice good hygiene along with common sense and let your children enjoy the playtime.

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