In this article I am going to review some weight loss tips that may be unfamiliar and some that you may have heard before, but nonetheless, they all work very well when combined into a good weight loss program.

Tip 1:

Let’s start by taking a picture of every food you eat and every drink you drink. You can easily do it using your cell phone. This is the 2014 version of a food diary. In all my years of consulting with clients, I have found that people who keep a food journal get the best results. So to bring this up to date, today’s technology just needs to get your cell phone and take a picture of your food. You can even go a step further and post the image on your FB page or your G+. This will hold you accountable. You can even have a group of your friends and co-workers do the same and you could have a contest on who can eat the healthiest or who can lose the most weight.

Tip 2:

Be sure to drink at least 64 ounces of water every day. Most people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty. In my experience with my clients, I have found that if they keep their bodies properly hydrated, they eat less food. Also, your body needs an adequate amount of water every day to keep your body’s systems working properly.

Tip 3:

Eat lots of vegetables. It doesn’t matter if the vegetables are raw or cooked. Just eat them. You can even juice your vegetables. Be sure to put kale and parsley in your vegetable smoothies, as they are two of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

Tip 4:

Limit your starchy carbohydrates. To lose weight and maintain your weight loss, you really need to consume starchy carbohydrates in moderation. This includes bread, pasta, rice, and all other delicious foods that are made from some type of wheat or rice flower. I know that we all like these foods, but the problem is that they like us too and they like to walk with us on our bellies, buttocks and thighs. So do yourself a favor and limit your intake of starchy carbohydrates. Now I’m not saying cut them out completely, just make sure you consume them sparingly throughout the day.

Tip 5:

Tip number five is the icing on your weight loss cake! And tip number five is exercise. But we are talking about sensible exercise. And the meaning of sensible exercise is doing a type of exercise program that does not cause us any type of injury. Sensible exercise is different for everyone. If you’re over 40 and haven’t exercised since your high school years, you’re better off starting a sensible walking program. If you can walk for 60 consecutive minutes 5-7 days a week, this is a great program for beginners. Now, if you can’t walk for 60 straight minutes, just do what you can.

If you could only walk 20 minutes, then it would be great to walk 20 minutes every day. And gradually build your way up to 60 continuous minutes of walking. We seek to make positive lifestyle changes. Changes that will make us healthy and we will also lose weight in the process. For others, a sensible exercise program might be to do a more intense exercise program like high-intensity interval training, resistance training, and other types of burst training programs.

So there you have 5 weight loss tips to lose weight and get healthy.

Here’s one last bonus weight loss tip: If you’re confused, if you’ve tried to lose weight on your own and failed, if you have no idea what you’re doing and why you’re not losing weight, be smart and consult an expert. in health and wellness.

I can’t tell you how many people I see in my office every day who think they’re eating right and exercising right and still can’t lose any weight. The problem is that there is a lot of information out there. And these people totally confused.

So do yourself a favor see a health and wellness consultant.

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