Ostara for 2011 is fast approaching, so what kinds of things should you be doing to keep this special Easter festival going strong? Let’s take a look at some general ideas of Ostara and then look more specifically at Ostara 2011 to make it special.

What is Ostara?

The word Ostara originates from Eostre, a Germanic goddess who was worshiped in spring. This was a time to celebrate the return of the warmer months and to ask the Gods and Goddesses to bless their crops and give them a good yield for the year. There were many different traditions in Europe, but presenting the relevant deities with gifts and performing rites and rituals helped them feel that they were not powerless against the harshness of nature. And, needless to say, being a spring festival, Ostara is also all about fertility!

How to celebrate Ostara

  • Paint eggs. This was a traditional way of bringing color to the Ostara festivities and involving the children.
  • Cook and party with friends and family. Herbs are a big part of this, particularly mint and thyme.
  • Planting seeds. This can be done at Ostara itself or at the nearest full moon.
  • Use yellow and green in the decorations. This can include flowers like daffodils that brighten up the home and signal the arrival of those glorious, warm months!

How to celebrate Ostara 2011

In Chinese astrology, 2011 is the year of the rabbit, so what a perfect way to unite two powerful beliefs! The year of the rabbit and the enduring pagan symbol of the rabbit or hare. The rabbit represents fertility, fecundity, abundance and renewal. This is a time to feel like you can do and accomplish anything as ideas will flow and you will have faith in the wisdom of nature. You will be guided towards what you are truly destined for.

  • The rabbit is associated with the moon, so combining this with the fact that Ostara is a lunar festival will help you focus your work on a specific period of time, i.e. achieve the change from one full moon to another.
  • Rabbits are also associated with intuition, so this Ostara can use divination to help you figure out what you need to do this spring. Try tarot cards, a pendulum, or a crystal ball.
  • Rabbits are primarily associated with fertility, but you may or may not choose to take this literally! If you’re not planning a pregnancy, you may want to save any important projects to start at Ostara. Write down your plans for this day, including the ultimate goal, and then leave it hidden in your Easter/Ostara decorations.
  • Giving gifts. The Easter bunny of course gives gifts as part of his duties and what better way to honor the bountiful gifts the earth is about to produce than to do something of his own. Anything from a cheap bouquet of flowers for a friend to some homemade cookies is all it takes.

I hope this gives you some ideas of what to do this Ostara 2011 and blessings to you!

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