Have you ever wondered… What is love…?

Why is there such a thing as marriage? Why the need for it? Can’t we get on with our lives without him? What is sex? Why does it have to be between a man and a woman? Why not man with man and woman with woman?

Regardless of how we look at it, sex has everything to do with the Kingdom of God. Without sex, God’s purpose regarding humanity will not be realized. It was built into God’s Master Plan of creation, the part that involved humanity, from the beginning. We will see shortly.

A good number of people, especially the prudish, consider the topic of sex taboo when talking about God and religion. For them sex is bad, it’s dirty. It should not be mentioned, even in informal conversations. On the other hand, the vast majority find the topic amusing. It is often the main subject of songs, poems, advertisements, news, articles, movies, television and theater shows, and any other activity in which man can participate. But what is sex and why sex? Would humanity be better off without him?

In fact, it is very unfortunate that due to the lack of understanding of the mystery of the Kingdom of God and the direct relationship of sex with it, people have fallen into all kinds of problems and miseries related to sex. It is the greatest weakness of humanity. In the face of temptation, men and women become powerless. Throughout the centuries, the strong and powerful, notable men of great caliber, have fallen due to sexual scandals. Countless people lived miserable lives (many still do) because of unrestrained sex. From the rich to what society calls “scum”, most, if not all, gave in to the alluring lure of sex at one point or another in their lives.

What is the purpose of sex?

We cannot have an objective, intelligent and sensible discussion of the subject unless we take it in the context of the Kingdom of God. Our starting point would be God’s Plan of creating man to replicate Himself.

Due to the transcendent purpose of God in creating humanity, which was to raise a family of beings similar to Him to populate the Kingdom that He was going to establish for His Son, it was necessary that He created them physical beings according to natural law. of reproduction or the direct transfer of the basic properties, attributes and qualities of the parent to the resulting offspring from generation to generation without loss of identity, regardless of the number of times the process is repeated, the “DNA” that science has come to call that.

With all the power available to Him (“Because with God nothing is impossible” [Luke 1:37], God could have created Adam as a single-celled living being capable of reproducing by fission like the amoeba, to achieve His purpose, but He did not. Instead, he created a multi-celled Adam unable to reproduce himself, on his own. He needed a partner to carry out the process. Why?

Let’s read Genesis 2:18, “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.'” He then formed Eve from the body of Adam (verses 21-22). instead of forming her from the dust as she did with Adam.

From this very brief account of the creation of Adam, God is giving us an idea of ​​the profound meaning of love, which is the basic component of His nature, the foundation of all that He is. “God is love” (1 John 4:16).

God imbued Adam with His basic attributes and traits, chief among which is love, which Adam would then pass on to His children, and their children to their children, down to each and every subsequent generation. “We create man in our image, according to our likeness”, said God (Gn 1,26). Thereafter, he told Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it” (verse 28).

In addition to other attributes, God created Adam with the capacity and ability to feel and express God’s reciprocal love. It is a feeling of concern for others that is of the same degree as concern for oneself. It is an innate desire for companionship and togetherness: to love and be loved. It is not instinct as in the case of animals. Considering this, logic will tell us that it was natural, therefore, for God to create a woman as a mate for the man, for how could Adam love if he had no one to love with?

But why did it have to be a woman instead of another man? To answer the question, we first have to consider the natural law of reproduction which involves begetting or fertilization in contrast to fission. Science will tell us that except for the unicellular amoeba which reproduces by fission or cell division, all other living creatures that are multicellular: animals, insects and birds reproduce through fertilization, the union of the sperm and the egg. . they are present in separate entities: the male and the female.

Through the process of conception, the physical properties, along with other attributes, of the parents are passed on and developed directly into the offspring. This process of reproduction requires intercourse between two opposite sexes (male and female) with different but complementary reproductive organs, to produce an offspring. There is no way that a child can be conceived naturally except by such a process. Science has devised “cloning” as an alternative to this natural process, but that is not acceptable to God.

That God created man necessarily to need a woman has everything to do with love. He created woman from man so that man would desire the woman who is part of himself; and that the woman desires the man of which she is a part. God wanted them to complement each other, to complete what is lacking in their individual and separate selves. God created them one flesh for that purpose (Genesis 2:24). They share the same basic physical properties but are equipped with different reproductive organs to carry out God’s purpose in creating mankind. God’s purpose cannot be realized between a man and a man or between two women. It just doesn’t work technically, morally and spiritually. Any same-sex union that mimics the type of relationship (including sexual intercourse) that God intended only between a man and a woman is an abomination to Him (Romans 1:26-27).

God created in man and woman the desire or urge for sex, regardless of the time factor, as the ultimate expression of their love, not LUST or TASTE, for one another. That is why there is an orgasm in sex; also why the need to do so could arise at any time for both the man and the woman. Contrast this with the sexual behavior of animals and other living organisms that instinctively copulate or mate in response to nature’s call solely for the purpose of reproduction, thus cyclical or seasonal.

Satan hates humanity because of their potential to be in the Kingdom of God while he himself will be cast out. Therefore, he is bent on destroying man and one of his most effective tools to carry out his evil plan is the sexual drive. It is a weakness that he observed in Adam when he acceded to Eve’s seductive invitation to eat of the forbidden fruit. Since then, he perfected his craft and has never stopped corrupting people’s minds with lust through the centuries, to this day. Worse still, he has influenced man to perform perverted acts that even wild beasts do not do.

God knew, from the beginning, of the weaknesses of men (and women) with respect to sex, so he established guidelines for sexual behavior and responses through the written code (the law) that Jesus Christ later magnified in His “sermon on the mount”. ” He instituted marriage to formalize and unite the union of man and woman in love with each other. God wanted sexual relations, in fulfillment of His purpose and as an expression of love, to take place within the limits of marriage between husband and wife. woman. Then He abundantly blesses the faithful relationship with the birth of adorable children and a happy, God-centered family. God hates sex outside of marriage. Satan, however, takes great delight in it.

Sex is the most wonderful experience that a man and woman in love can enjoy in their physical lives if they do so with God’s Kingdom Plan in mind. It is not only gratifying but truly gratifying since with said act the child is born that God forms in his likeness and image, a replica of Himself, and with each child that is born, God’s Master Plan for the Kingdom draws closer to him. . realization.


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