Nutramigen Alternative

The nutramigen alternative infant formula is a popular choice for infants who suffer from milk protein allergy or the more common infant milk allergy symptoms. It may be best to read consumer reports on the web before making a decision as many companies create poor products with low cost ingredients. These products are not nutritionally sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of an infant, particularly when they have a milk protein allergy. The nutritionally inadequate formulas can also lead to mineral deficiencies in the infant as well.

Nutramigen suppliers

Most infant formulas contain cow or soy allergens which may pose a health threat to the infant if a mother has a history of allergic reactions to these sources. The nutritionally inadequate formulas do not contain sufficient quantities of calcium, zinc, iron and other important minerals and vitamins. These infant formulas are not nutritionally sufficient as compared to breast milk or formula made from cow’s milk. Some people claim that the nutritionally inadequate formulas are also nutritionally inadequate for babies. However, the US FDA has rejected claims regarding the superiority of nutritionally adequate over nutritionally inadequate formula.

The nutramigen infant formula is produced from rice, wheat and other grains so it lacks protein and the B vitamins which infants need to grow properly. The rice used in the nutramigen infant formula is not organic and therefore poses another potential problem. The rice used in the nutramigen infant formula contains only one percent of the nutrients necessary for healthy bones and teeth. The lack of necessary nutrients in the nutramigen infant formula leads to an imbalance in mineral content.

Nutramigen alternative infant formula

The use of milk and soy-based ingredients in the nutramigen alternative infant formula poses problems for infants with allergies to these ingredients. In most cases, the allergies develop later in life when the child has become a teenager rather than when he or she is an infant. Many people feel that young children have no symptoms of allergies until they are between the ages of six months to twelve years. This is why the manufacturers of nutramigen alternative formulas have included a disclaimer in their literature and claim only to contribute to an improved appetite in the baby.

The preservatives used in the manufacture of nutramigen infant formulas pose problems for infants too young to be protected by the FDA. The use of formaldehyde as a preservative in the formula has been linked to serious respiratory problems in premature infants. The presence of formaldehyde in the infant’s breast milk raises concerns about the effects on an infant’s development of exposure to formaldehyde through breast milk and the related chemicals. Such exposure can lead to nerve damage and cancer in adults.

The infant version of nutramigen should be avoided by infants with food allergies and asthma. An infant should never be given nutramigen if he or she has such allergies. Also, an infant should never be given the combination formula. An infant should always be introduced to nutramigen alternative formulas prior to his or her first feed.

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