In 2006, with the release of The Secret book, I began my journey learning and applying the Law of Attraction. Although six years have passed and the buzz on The Secret has died down, I study something about it every day.

As I was listening to people talk about the Law of Attraction, I was introduced to Dr. Thurman Fleet’s Stickperson Diagram shortly after. What Dr. Fleet essentially demonstrated with his Stickperson was that our thoughts create our feelings, which makes us act, and this is how we produce our results.

The Stickperson changed my life so much that I wanted to show it. But the sources that I thought would certify me to do it wanted between $15,000 and $20,000 to do it. I decided why not go to the real source and contacted Dr. Fleet’s Institute for Conceptual Therapy.

Dr. Fleet’s course of study cost me $300 per course of which there were 9 and the teacher training course. So for a total of $3000 (over time) I was able to learn and teach the same material from the source instead of an “interpretation of the source” and for 70% less cost. I used the Law of Attraction to make this happen.

So what is the Law of Attraction. The best definition I have found to date is this: You attract into your life those things, circumstances, and conditions that correspond to the nature of your dominant and habitual thoughts and beliefs in both your conscious and subconscious mind.

In order to consciously experience anything in your life, you must really want it; in fact, another way of saying it would be “you need it.” I believe that the need is stronger than the desire. When you need something, there is a “purpose” for it. When it has a big enough purpose, it becomes a necessity.

You must learn to bring the energy of your thoughts from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind. That is why the need or purpose needs to be so strong. Once there, the subconscious takes it and runs with it, manifesting in the body where the action takes place and causes our results.

Another way of expressing this is called creative visualization. It is the basic technique that you positively and effectively reprogram your subconscious mind and attract more things and circumstances that you constantly choose.

Study the Laws of the Universe (perpetual transmutation, relativity, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender). I used them in my articles on public speaking. The Law of Attraction manifests itself through the Laws of the Universe.

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