Does anyone really think that he didn’t get what he had because he didn’t have the talent, the strength, the stamina, or the commitment? In fact, endurance is focused patience. It is the only reason we exist.

If you can learn to endure pain, you can survive anything. Some people learn to accept it, to love it. No matter how much falls on us, we keep moving forward. That is the only way to keep the roads clear.

Humans are the only creatures allowed to fail. This is how I learn, falling flat on my face and getting up and starting over. It is easily confused with the love of adversity. Objective no. It is about knowing a strength and a faith so great that adversity, in all its adverse manifestations, hardly exists.

Human beings will not be defined by what they have suffered, but by how they have endured it. Whatever happens, God gives grace to endure and overcome the situation. With perseverance and endurance you can survive any storm. If you can hang on, if you can persevere, if you can work and not get tired, if you’re obsessed and talented, well, you might have a chance.

Life is a race and sometimes it will be painful. Facing the tests of any situation by persisting in moving forward requires stamina. It is the glory of reaching the goal and capturing the prize. Whatever it is we want or long for, say “yes.” Soon you will live your new address.

When we love ourselves, we will work hard for ourselves. Without love there is no drive. Love is the fuel for perseverance. There is nothing more motivating than wanting to feel better. Love is what helps us get through times of “not horrible” and the antidote to despair is action.

To have perseverance we need to be in constant action, especially in the face of adversity. We need to put faith behind our action by showing that we believe things will be better than before if we keep working hard and moving. However, it is not so easy to just “be tougher”.

Staying strong in the face of adversity is the ability to maintain your focus and determination despite the difficulties you encounter. Events in our life rarely go our way, but that doesn’t mean you have to let that derail you from your goal. Mental toughness gives you the tenacity to learn from your mistakes without the devastating blow that failure can sometimes cause. This endurance and fortitude also give you the strength to control your emotions when something in your life seems overwhelming and you need to be strong.

Essentially, mental toughness and emotional stamina are the voices in the back of your head telling you to keep going, keep pushing, and keep trying, even when the going gets tough.

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